I start this blog with the fond hopes and lucid dreams that you all shall have a wonderous stoopendous awesome-o year. And you can tell I mean it 'cause I used lots of funny words :D.
Anyhoo, to the topic/s at hand, I have completed a new feature script (1st draft) called the Whaler's Daughter, that I am super excited about, and shall blog on with more intensity and vigour at a later date... hint - There are Whales and Daughters and people who hunt whales, but not necessarily people who hunt daughters...
Next topic, I love my new Cintiq so much i've decided to do a whole mess of drawing. And I want to put together some sort of team of drawings to compete against other teams of drawings in some sort of drawing olympics. Who wants the television rights?
The team of drawings is to be called "I drown Sharks." and will be full of silly drawings of funny things, or at least things that I find funny, which i'm sure some people will find offensive or disturbing. But then you are reading this...
So, dear reader, do you find me offensively disturbing or disturbingly offensive? If yes to either one of these, drop me an email, i'd love to get to know you. ;)
So without further adieu, I present the first two team members of I drown Sharks... Notably the captain - 'I drown Sharks' and then, 'a bunch of naked dudes in a prison shower'

mmmmm twisted...
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