I don't know about you, but whenever I do a blog I feel that I need to say something worth saying, or at least, elaborate on some vague exploit worth the telling... It makes this a bit of a tricksy business really. It's like i'm stealing your time, second by second... And the longer you read my ramblings, the less time you now have to do some other possibly/probably more interesting thing (delete as appropriate). I wonder what it must feel like for a newspaper writer or a CNN blogperson, who get to steal lots of people's time, on a fairly regular basis at regular intervals, in a rather regular manner. but i guess 'regular' is the problem... You never read a 'news writer' or 'CNN blogger' writing about how they keep losing their socks in the washer, and have actually checked the handbook in search of a secret sock pocket - OR - how they once went camping near Bath and saw a strange coloured squirrel...
...no, they talk about other people's news; strange people, usually foreign people; Or famous people. Which is interesting.
For reasons I am yet to understand...
But what I do know, is that I have stolen at least 50 seconds of your life, and if enough of you have read this, I will have aged in reverse by at least several minutes.
And that my friends, is why CNN bloggers and newspaper writers all look very young. It's all that time they have stolen from you, which you may never get back... Unless you start writing now. Perhaps start a blog? Then we can share in this confusing, never-ending, word war of time.
Perhaps we can call it Word War One. And 'War and Peace' shall be our Atom bomb!!!!
Ooooor not. Bad idea? You think it's kind of lame huh?
Oh, why don't you get lost and read a book then! See if I care. Just remember the seconds. All those pretty seconds. MWHAHAAHahaHaha
Or... look at the next picture in my 'I Drown Sharks' Superbowl Fiesta thingy.
Confused? Always.

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