Happy Holidays everybody in blogville!
The picture above was made with my new baby - CINTIQ - :D I need to think of a name for it... So if anybody has any ideas what to call an interactive pen device and make it sound cool - the address is on the back...
It is the night before christmas (yes, I did watch Nightmare before Christmas today) And yes, it is still awesome - i have to check every year - just incase it stops being. It's amazing to me how a film made in 1992 odd is still able to extert such a hold over the day before christmas to me... And I imagine to countless other folks too probably.
Anyways, around this time of year, people like to look back on the year that has been, and then turn around and look at the future, like a small woodland animal in traffic.
Personally, this last year has been pretty much full to bursting, in all kindsa ways... Professionally, I've seen my graduation, my first magazine interview, my first televised music video, my first reality television show appearance, my first film festival runs, my first national award, and I had my work on the big screen at Times Square in New York... It's been pretty nuts, but that's enough navel gazing from me.
So what i'm getting at really, is that next year has a lot of catching up to do...
But in the greater scheme of things, this year has been all about transition, and I feel much the same about my own little schemes.
If we look at the Obama election, the credit crunch, CERN, the Pirates in Somalia, the fall of the big 3 auto companies in the states, the rise of China post-Olympics... The thing that governs all, is transition. Things are being restacked and resorted and it is a very exciting; if slightly worrying time for everyone. And I guess it's just nice to feel a part of it. :P
So we shall see what happens when the big 2009 begins...
Best wishes to you and yours, and i'll see you on the other side.
If you can - see 'The Orphanage', or 'Kung Fu Panda' - my favourite movies this year.
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