Saturday, 1 November 2008

And so it was...

To begin. Here is a cool album cover i've just done for my little brother's band. I like it 'cause it reminds me of the 80's. And anything that reminds me of the 80's is cool by me.

( I'm talking 80's films, videogames and cartoons specifically. Not fashion. Definitely not fashion.) Although I hear shoulderpads are making a comeback...

Also in this week, the Engine Room finished, and a team was crowned victor. Well, they didn't actually get crowns... That would just be bizarre. Unfortunately it wasn't my team. We lost by a single point. To relive the heartbreak and creative toil go visit

Or watch this:


And for our final project, this:

It was a pleasure and a pretty cool time. The skills on display on the show were mind-boggling. I am still in awe. That's not the awwwww like: "how cute", but more the: "awe damn!" Proper reverence and impressed-ness. I made some wonderful friends and they all kick all kinds of asses. I shall add their blogs to the side thingy over there ----------------------------------------->

So you can see just how cool they are!

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