There, that got your attention.
Time to jump into the driving seat as I talk about how much I loved Speed Racer. I missed it at the cinema and for some reason never hunted it down. And due to the fact that i'm a little ill in bed, i finally got around to viewing it! And i'm not sure if this is the antibiotics talking, but Speed Racer is one of the best films i've seen ever! It has everything! Ninjas, hilarious monkey sidekicks, Korean popstar Rain, Car-fu, Wednesday Addams, John Goodman with moustache and wrestling moves, Jack from Lost wearing a funny mask, and amazing special effects. This is the closest i've ever seen a film coming to replicating an anime or a videogame. And it does both. Perfectly. It made me very happy.
I also saw Taken, the Liam Neeson, "Jason Bourne gets old, has a daughter, daughter gets kidnapped, Jason Bourne takes apart Paris" film. Its did everything i wanted it to do, with an extra side of awesome. Makes me really want to be badass someday.
I realised in writing this, that I don't normally talk about movies on this blog. Which is weird, because I think about them a lot. But let me get back to the title of this blog, which has a double meaning. Not a double entendre - just two meanings derived from the same title. First meaning: My Goldfish film, The legend of ol' Goldie is gonna be playing at the Another Hole in the Head Film Festival in San Francisco this May. Which is cooooool. So if you're in need of something to do on the West Coast of the continental United States sometime in May, there's that. ;)
Second meaning: I had the mother of all migraines this weekend, it was like a volcano behind my eyeball, that had numerous seismic eruptions and tremors. I thought my brain was trying to escape through my eye socket. This is how painful it was... but then I'm probably overselling it a bit. But that's how comes I'm full of antibiotics at the moment. Had to go the emergency hospital and everything. It was very exciting in retrospect. But i didn't describe it as a volcano to the doctor, nor did i say my brain was trying to escape. I don't trust doctors ya see. They have the power to make me go away for a very long time in a jacket with no sleeves...
Also I'm eyeball deep in work deadlines and I'm busy rendering, which gives me time to do this blog, because I can't take staring at the render bar all afternoon. So I'm just going to continue posting random cool things... Take that all you anti-cool thing posting people. Firstly, if you haven't seen this: Do yourself a favour.
And then follow that favour up with another favour here:
And i think that's probably enough favours for everyone...
Those are my two 'mostest looking forward to films this year' after Coraline, which still hasn't come out in this country. Which is funny 'cause it was written by a bloody englishman! That might be a bit extreme, but then again i'd say Neil Gaiman is bloodier than most englishmen.
And now for my next trick, i'm gonna stop posting and saying random nonsense and leave you to go rent Speed Racer, and then scratch your head confoundedly at my wild drug-addled accusations of its awesomeness.
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