Friday 26 September 2008

Matt make t-shirt. Matt kill t-shirt. Matt eat t-shirt.

So i've decided to design a t-shirt, and somewhere in the process i thought the digestive system would look cool on a t-shirt... Then after doing that, I thought... "hmmm, there's a reason that's kept -under- the skin" So i went about adapting it, 'cause it took ages to do anyway. And then somewhere down the road, Jules Verne got involved... Anyhow, this is what i got... And down to 8 colours too! I call it "Jules Verne's The Amazing Journey". Because lets be honest, who wouldn't want to a travel through a digestive system resembling Jules Verne's face...

1 comment:

Mad Max Winston said...

Max like t-shirt.

I outputted from HD size (1080 x 1920ish?) within final cut to an uncompressed quicktime. They print the negative from that.

The stopmo episode was pretty awesome and funny!